What is Section 61?

Section 61 is a part of the Control of Pollution Act 1974, and allows contractors to apply for consent to carry out noisey or disruptive construction work.

In undertaking construction or demolition work, contractors will need to consider how their works will impact the site’s neighbours or adjacent ‘sensitive receptors’, and how they will manage and mitigate noise, vibration and dust emissions from site.



Sixense’s Acoustic Consultants assist our clients in the acquision of this consent, providing advice and support on how to comply with the Control of Pollution Act 1974. We offer a range of services that minimise risk, ensuring that the site’s neighbours aren’t adversely affected, and that there is minimal, if any impact, to the construction programme, which could occur if a Section 60 Noise Notice is issued.

A copy of the legislation is available here.



How can Sixense Acoustic Consultants help?

Sixense’s Acoustic Consultants work with construction companies and assist them in the acquisition of Section 61 consent by:

  • Assessing construction methodology and equipment involved
  • Predicting noise levels using modelling software
  • Developing practical solutions and providing guidance on how to reduce noise and vibration
  • Supporting contractors and ensuring compliance with the conditions of their Section 61 consent
  • Providing noise, vibration and dust monitoring services to validate and confirm the noise mitigation predictions



Developing your Section 61 Consent application with Sixense is very simple

and generally speaking follows the procedure below:


Section 61 Procedure
Section 61 Procedure


When is a Section 61 consultancy needed?

Section 61 consent is required :

  • When construction or demolition work is likely to have a significant noise impact, that might breach the requirements of the Control of Pollution Act 1974, on the local area and neighbouring or adjacent buildings
  • When construction work is planned to take place at night, or outside of normal working hours.



What are the benefits of working with Sixense for your Section 61 Consent?

Our team of experienced acoustic consultants can help your project in the following ways:

  • We help contractors avoid legal action
  • We help ensure that construction noise and vibration are managed effectively
  • We help protect the local community from noise and vibration pollution




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