Sixense support future Formula 1 engineers

Good News for fans of Formula 1!


A new generation of young innovators and engineers are already working on future technologies and Sixense are proud to be supporting them!



Flow, an F1 in Schools team from Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys in Canterbury, Kent, achieved a third place podium placing at the regional F1 in Schools competition last week! The team also scooped “Best Engineered Car in class” and also “Best overall Team Identity”!

Developed to introduce students to #STEM subjects in the most engaging way possible – through the creation of a miniature F1 car – F1 in Schools is an educational project designed for teachers, informed by engineers, and endorsed by F1.


You can find out more about the Flow F1 Team at To find out more about the F1 in schools programme go to


Everyone at Sixense would like to congratulate the Flow F1 Team for their success in this years competition and wish you all the very best for the future!

Sixense Beyond Monitoring software starts UK project roll out

Sixense have recently started to roll out our latest monitoring software ‘Beyond Monitoring’ on UK projects.


Beyond Monitoring is Sixense’s powerful, flexible and easy-to-use platform for managing project monitoring data in real-time.



With our new monitoring platform clients can simplify their understanding of geotechnical, structural and environmental monitoring data, make effective informed decisions, and anticipate risks.


The Beyond Monitoring platform is built on the foundations of Geoscope, the world reference in monitoring databases first released in 1997. Beyond Monitoring builds on this legacy and introduces improvements developed from the most recent digital technologies resulting in improved data security, system fluidity, user experience, management of large volumes of data, etc.


If you want to find out how Beyond Monitoring can benefit your construction project, or the management of your infrastructure, please contact us, we’ll be pleased to answer your questions and provide a demo.


For a summary of Beyond Monitoring, please watch the short film above.



Award for Sixense contribution to quieter railways

Sixense, in partnership with S V Acoustic, have had our work with South Western Railway’s ambition to deliver a quieter railway service recognised at the Noise Abatement Society’s John Connel Awards.


The ‘Silent Approach Award’ acknowledges significant advances in industry best practice to minimise noise from operations and logistics by developing proven noise reduction initiatives. Sixense and S V Acoustic received a ‘Highly Commended’ award, with the organsiers noting the following –


“This acoustic partnership and one of the UK’s largest Train Operating Companies (TOCs) have worked for over 4 years on a range of innovative noise strategy & management initiatives. Key aspects include: pro-active noise assessment of key sites & business activities; the first UK TOC DfT approved Noise Management Strategy; topic-specific noise guidance notes; noise training across the business; a bespoke “noiseplanner” – to capture and analyse noise data; and customised managerial, physical and behavioural noise management plans, resulting in significant real world noise and complaint reduction.”


If your ambition is to reduce the noise polution from your business’s operations, please do not hesitate to contact us for a discussion on how we can support you too!


Sixense support local community with canalside litter pick

The team working at one of our major London projects recently spent a few hours undertaking a litter pick on what was, forgivingly, one of the cooler days of the year so far.


Two hours were spent collecting rubbish from the canal towpath adjacent the site, resulting in almost eight full bags of rubbish and other detritus that might have otherwise ended up poluting the canal.


Future exercises are planned to keep on top of the problem and help create a more pleasent, greener environment in the local area, whilst at the same time minimising potential polution risk.


Well Done Team!

Sixense reach milestone in data management


This week Sixense UK marked a significant milestone in our position as a world leader in secure, accessible and optimised data management.


One of the major projects we are involved in recorded it’s 1,000,000,000th (Yes….. Billionth….) data value.


Every day our software imports over 2.2 Million data points from a variety of automated and manual, structural, geotechnical and environmental sensors, suchas CYCLOPS ATS, In-Place Inclinometers, Tiltmeters, Strain Gauges, Rod Extensometers and Fibre Optic Sensors, all installed and managed by Sixense, on this site alone.


If you have a requirement, large or small, for effective data management of instrumentation and monitoring data, on a simple and secure software platform, accessible by smart phone, tablet or PC, please get in touch and ask to speak with one of our experts.

Sixense support local charity


Sixense Monitoring Technician Joe Bryan continued our contribution to supporting local community initiatives at one of our major London sites by spending the day at ‘The Felix Project’.


The Felix Project collects fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold. They cook and deliver this surplus food to charities and schools so that they can provide healthy meals and help the most vulnerable in our society.


Joe spent the day helping sort out food packages for those who are in desperate need of support, describing his involvement at The Felix project as ‘rewarding and enjoyable’.


Every day, 400,000 children in London have the same thing for dinner. Nothing….


If you’d like to support The Felix Project please visit


Well Done Joe!

INSAR ACR Install starts in the sunshine

Some of the Sixense UK team enjoyed the first day of summer, busy installing artificial corner reflectors (ACR) for an important satellite monitoring project. Our colleague from Sixense Iberia certainly brought the sunshine with her !


ACRs allows satellite monitoring to be highly effective even in rural areas where natural reflection from the ground surface can be more limited.


If you want to know more about satellite monitoring, please follow this link ro our ATLAS Insar page or Contact Us.

Work at Paddington Square continues

Paddington Square Development

Work at Paddington Square continues for Sixense with the monitoring of various assets. The new development includes 350,000 square ft of workspace, 100,000ft square ft of shopping and dining including a rooftop bar and restaurant, plus a 1.35 acre public square and art walk,  all in London’s Paddington, being developed by Sellar on behalf of Great Western Developments Ltd.


Sixense Surveyors
Sixense surveyors can undertake manual Precise Levelling and 3D Surveys

Assets monitored include the Royal Mail Group and London Underground tunnels, parts of the Paddington Square site, Network Rail and London Underground stations (including escalators & lift shafts) as well as buildings and pavements surrounding the development.


The monitoring regime includes manual and automated 3D surveys as well as precise levelling, inclinometer surveys and the use of remote sensors (tiltmeters, tiltbeams & optical displacement sensors).


The experience of Sixense installation and survey staff across multiple environments and monitoring techniques is being combined with our Geoscope software platform to provide our client with access to all monitoring data on an easy to access platform.


Construction is due to be complete in spring 2022.


You can find out more about Paddington Square here.

Environmental monitoring on Europe’s largest infrastructure project

HS2-C1-Environmental MonitoringSixense is excited to embark on the significant challenge of providing noise, vibration and air quality management services on a section of Europe’s largest infrastructure project, HS2. This section of the mega engineering project, delivered by Align JV, includes the route’s flagship 3.4km-long Colne Valley Viaduct, as well as the 15.8km-long Chiltern twin-tunnels.


The services to be provided by Sixense include a significant amount of monitoring, modelling and assessment work across the 10+ worksites, which will play a key role in the wider efforts to minimise environmental impacts throughout the 5-year build.


Within the first six weeks of our involvement, we have already installed 22no. noise and air quality monitoring stations, which are largely powered by sustainable-energy sources.


You can find out more about our involvement with HS2 C1 in our references section, here.

Sixense UK achieve continued qualification to RISQS

Sixense UK are proud to have achieved continued qualification to RISQS, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to delivering high standards of safety and quality across our work in the rail sector.

Sixense work to develop international monitoring standards

Sixense takes part in writing international monitoring standards

A group of about ten European experts has been working since 2010 on writing international monitoring standards.

Sixense is involved in the project via Martin Beth, director of our Monitoring Division France, by representing France among monitoring specialists from all over Europe, in charge of elaborating European and worldwide standards (CEN and ISO).

Their aim is to help sharing best practices in monitoring, by coordinating and writing them collectively.


Our expert explains :

Each standard takes between 2 and 3 years work in average and we will prepare about ten of them in the following years. The basic standard on general rules was published in 2015, followed by the standards on extensometers, inclinometers, piezometers and pore pressure cells. Our group is currently working on standards for liquid level settlement sensors, strain gauges and load cells and will start working shortly on geodetic monitoring instruments (automatic theodolites for example).

Martin Beth, director of Monitoring Division France, Sixense


Thames Tideway Tunnel multi-disciplinary monitoring and engineering

Thames-Tideway-InSAR_2The advantages of a multidisciplinary monitoring and engineering company are being realised by our client on the Thames Tideway East section in London.


Sixense is providing geotechnical, structural and noise & vibration monitoring solutions along with specialist acoustic consultancy services, covering the project and third party assets.


Traditional monitoring methods are supplemented with geophysical techniques, concrete pathology testing and even Satellite radar interferometry providing an ‘eye in the sky’.


The resulting data is made available to the engineering teams through our Geoscope platform, allowing effortless analysis and comparison of complex data from these multiple sources.




Sixense achieve ISO 45001 accreditation

Sixense have always strived to achieve very high standrds of accreditation for quality, environmental and health and safety.


After months of hard work, the Sixense team are very pleased to have achieved accreditation to BS ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management.


This will allow us to develop and build on our existing high standards of health and safety. This latest accreditation sits alongside our accreditations to BS ISO 9001, 14001 and 27001, ensuring that all SIXENSE operations are quality assured and client data always remains secure.


Our growing list of certifications forms the foundation of trust and integrated collaboration with our clients, something which we believe is fundamental to the successful delivery of every project.

Helimap joins Sixense Group

Sixense Helimap undertake Aerial LIDAR Surveys of railway infrastructure

Helimap is specialised in precision helicopter-borne LIDAR mapping, with a solid international reputation.


The Swiss company, based near Lausanne, established itself on the market thanks to its innovative LIDAR system, adapted to complex terrains and tailor-made applications.  


With the acquisition of Helimap, Sixense Group is strengthening its position in 3D capture and modelling technologies for existing assets, a strategic entry point into the digitisation of construction and infrastructure operations.


As a result, Sixense is now a leading global player in 3D digitising technologies. Please visit Sixense Helimap for more information.

New CIRIA guidelines on Earth Observation and InSAR technology in civil infrastructure

We are delighted to announce that a consortium led by Sixense and Imperial College London (with support from experts at Royal Holloway, Crossrail and Thames Tideway) has been selected to produce a CIRIA (Construction Industry Research and Information Association) guidance report on the application of ‘Earth Observation and InSAR technology in civil infrastructure’. This report will draw on the extensive experience of the consortium members and will detail current practices, illustrated with case study examples, and outline respective advantages and limitations of the various techniques to assist all users and, in particular, those involved in asset management and construction. A separate online database of case studies will also be developed in parallel by CIRIA to support the guidance document. We understand that this document will form an important review, of current practices and ongoing developments, to inform newcomers to Earth Observation as well as those already using such technologies.

Civil engineering and infrastructure (construction, maintenance and monitoring) are activities which demand high spatiotemporal accuracy, precision and detail of observations and measurements. Satellite borne remote sensing techniques are now able to produce data and information of a quality which satisfies such requirements. Yet there are few standards and regulations for best practice in the production and use of Earth Observation products. CIRIA has therefore recognised a need to inform stakeholders, to realise the full potential of Earth Observation techniques in both research and commercial operations; hence this guidance report will form a much needed and important step towards establishing the employment of Earth Observation techniques as a matter of ongoing best practice for asset management in all infrastructure projects.


The guidance document will be published in 2021. For more information, please contact satellite@

Monitoring at the birthplace of Iron Maiden

Sixense are always ready to assist companies undertaking developments adjacent to critical infrastructure such as Network Rail or TfL assets and in this case the monitoring works included British musical heritage – the Cart & Horses pub; birthplace of Iron Maiden.


Working for iBuild Building Solutions, Sixense designed a value engineered monitoring solution to meet the requirements of the ground impact assessment and Network Rail standards for monitoring the track, OLE and adjacent retaining wall.


A Cyclops automated total station, situated in the grounds of the Cart & Horses pub, prisms and wireless tilt sensors were used to provide continuous data to Sixense’s Geoscope web-based data environment and weekly reports for Network Rail, ensuring the safety of  the adjacent infrastructure during the development works.

SHM on the Rion-Antirion Bridge

The Rion-Antirion Bridge in Greece is an exceptionally impressive structure built to endure extreme environmental conditions. Seismic and meteorological risks to its structural integrity must be continually monitored. Its operating concession holder Gefyra has entrusted Sixense with this task for more than 16 years.

From the construction phase onwards, the operating concession holder has needed to monitor the response of the bridge structure to its environment, and validate the assumptions made at the design stage. The ongoing monitoring of the aging structure enables decisions regarding whether the bridge can be reopened or requires maintenance closures following periods of extremely high winds or seismic events.


The Rion-Antirion Bridge: a structure under the microscope 

EverSense ®, our Structural Health Monitoring System (SHM), was designed and implemented by our teams at the time of construction. Since it opened to traffic in 2004, the 1,000 data acquisition channels of this system have enabled GEFYRA to record and characterize the behaviour of the structure and to detect changes in this behaviour, especially after exceptional events such as earthquakes or unusually high winds.

The monitoring system has been regularly maintained and upgraded since implementation. It now incorporates functions that enable real-time traffic management during seismic events or exceptionally high winds.

The EverSense system has made it possible to validate structural design data and coupled with the quality of data generated, has made it possible to allow traffic back safely onto the bridge promptly over 16 years of major environmental events.


The real-time monitoring system implemented by Sixense meant that we could analyse the huge amount of data needed to establish an overview of the structure and receive automated alerts immediately after the earthquake struck. The great advantage of the Sixense system is that it allows us to achieve significant improvements in safety, which is the most important thing from our perspective

Aris Stathopoulos, Structural Maintenance Manager at Gefyra SA/ VINCI Concessions for the Rion-Antirion Bridge in Greece

COVID-19 Update

The world is facing a health crisis on an unprecedented scale.


At Sixense, we recognise our responsibility to protect ourselves and collectively curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus.


All Sixense staff are strictly observing government guidelines in order to ensure that we play our part in minimising the impact of Covid-19. In all our activities, we apply the minimum requirements to guarantee the health and safety of our employees, our customers and our partners.


Sixense is a key player in construction services and infrastructure operations. We are committed to serving our customers by operating safely and observing the necessary cautionary procedure invoked as a result of Covid-19.


We would like to reassure all of our customers and partners that we are fully prepared to maintain continuous service within the bounds of what is feasible, given the constraints of the current situation.


Our 3 primary concerns are to:


  • Guarantee the necessary level of service on all projects required to maintain core infrastructure operations


  • Protect our employees and participate in the collective effort to contain the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Meet our customers and partners expectations by maintaining our services wherever possible


All staff who are able to work remotely are currently doing so from ‘home offices ‘ around the UK. Your usual contacts at Sixense remain available and are ready to listen. In addition, we continue to support our clients on site ensuring we do what we can to promote continued construction activity on all of  our  projects.


In response to the trust you have placed in us, be assured of our total commitment and solidarity with you to overcome this extraordinary crisis impacting us all.

Development phase support for wind power projects

We have supported Nordex wind farm development projects since 2003 through our involvement in developing the noise component of the environmental impact assessment package for its projects. This long-term partnership has developed throughout our collaboration on more than 50 projects all over france. Now is a great opportunity to look back on this special relationship and the way we operate.

All wind farm projects in France must meet particularly strict regulatory criteria, including the environmental impact study that acts as the basis for consideration of all applications to operate a wind power generating facility. The study is required to demonstrate that the project can be integrated sensitively into its environment, and that the potential impacts of the future wind farm are both managed and controlled.

Noise pollution is a major element of such an impact study. France has some of the most restrictive regulations in the world, requiring wind power projects to comply with a noise emission criterion based on residual noise: the base noise level prior to construction of the project, as measured at the dwellings closest to the future wind farm. A predictive acoustic impact study is then prepared as the basis for estimating the emergence levels (the difference in noise levels with and without wind generators in operation) and providing local authorities and communities with guarantees that the project will comply fully with all applicable rules once it becomes operational.

As acoustic engineers, our priority is to provide an objective and robust study that will enable the wind farm developer to prepare its operating strategy and strike precisely the right balance between power generation and regulatory compliance.

A standard study therefore includes pre-construction residual noise level measurements taken over several weeks, which will serve as the current benchmark level. There then follows the use of a predictive model to forecast the level of noise generated by the future wind turbines. Operating scenarios prepared in consultation with Nordex on the basis of reducing turbine noise levels in different weather conditions are then studied to ensure that the project complies fully with all regulations.

As these projects have advanced, so we have been able to develop our techniques in a number of ways: examples include systematic preliminary visits to all study areas before beginning any campaign to measure the initial noise landscape. The purpose of such visits is to identify the most representative measurement locations and to agree arrangements with local residents before installing our sensors.

The relationship between Nordex and Sixense is much more of a partnership than simply a customer/supplier relationship. The long-term involvement of Sixense in our projects and its excellent understanding of wind farm noise gained from practical experience in the industry mean that Nordex can be certain that the acoustic studies it includes in the impact assessments for its development projects are both robust and comprehensive. The primary goal of the acoustic study is its acceptance by the regulatory authorities, and the feedback we have received from these authorities tells us that the studies produced by Sixense are appreciated not only for their technical and scientific content, but also for their clarity.

As a wind farm developer rather than an operator, it’s important that Nordex obtains the most reliable acoustic measurement results in order to estimate how wind farms should be operated to maximum advantage. So we have to anticipate the possible noise reduction measures to be applied prior to their commissioning. In practice, these noise emission reductions impact the generating output of the project. These issues are relevant, because it is important that the customer ultimately responsible for operating the wind farm has no nasty surprises as a result of underestimating the impacts of the project, at the same time as avoiding the pitfall of devaluing a project by overestimating the risks involved and recommending excessively stringent constraints that will negatively affect the forecast generating output.

From our prospective as a wind turbine manufacturer, the expertise and involvement of Sixense helps us to develop our wind turbines in ways that can take maximum advantage of the operating conditions recommended by Sixense. The issues around the specific impact of wind parks during the particularly sensitive evening period can now be effectively addressed by the wind turbines we produce. In return, our special expertise as a turbine and wind farm developer undoubtedly helps Sixense to continuously improve its knowledge of wind energy technology and related issues.

Quentin Crespel, Acoustics Expert at Nordex France SAS

Crossrail’s Chief Executive congratulates Sixense

As the construction phase of the Crossrail project nears completion, Simon Wright OBE, Crossrail’s Project Director, personally thanks Sixense for the quality of our service.


We’re pleased to share his acknowledgments. Of particular note is his reference to Contract C704, the “mega-contract” where Sixense were appointed at short notice to intervene and takeover the delivery, commissioning, maintenance and operation of the project-wide monitoring system installed by our competitor, under contract C701.


“I would like to personally thank Sixense and specifically the team which has, over several years supported the delivery of Crossrail. Sixense’s contribution through the main C704 contract, through earlier contracts within our supply chain, and through your continued support with the satellite interferometry has proved invaluable.


As we approach the opening of Crossrail, one of the unseen successes of the project has been our ability to deliver the underground spaces without any appreciable settlement impact to the infrastructure above. This has represented one of the greatest delivery risks and we are indebted to Sixense for your skills, experience and professionalism in supporting our project.”


Sixense is very proud of this success, delivered by our teams’ hard work and know-how.


The appreciation reflected in Mr. Wright’s letter validates our approach to client relationships and our pursuit of excellence and ongoing research in the fields of construction related risk management and specialist engineering.


It provides us with growing confidence in the success of our current projects and our commitment and contribution to successfully deliver tomorrow’s construction projects.