Beyond Asset is an asset management solution that manages and optimizes the condition and maintenance of your infrastructure.

Your asset data is centralized and evolves securely to organize and monitor:

  • your infrastructure visits
  • your assets overall rating
  • your maintenance operations


Digital solution managing your infrastructure operations

Issues addressed:

  • Optimise and plan maintenance costs
  • Have access to updated data
  • Facilitate decision-making
  • Know the condition of your infrastructure
  • Ensure the performance of your asset operations
  • Secure your data

Controlled infrastructure management:

  • Creation and updating of any type of asset in the inventory
  • Quantification and monitoring of the level of service
  • Maintenance planning
  • Sharing and automatic synthesis of information
  • Repair and maintenance optimization algorithms

Benefits for your infrastructure management:

  • Infrastructure tracking and intervention traceability
  • Update from the field without re-entry
  • Business expertise in infrastructure management
  • Decision support for your maintenance interventions
  • Solution adapted and personalized for business use
  • Automatic reporting and statistics
BEYOND Asset solution